Have you noticed how dysfunctional family patterns tend to be passed on from generation to generation?  Do you ever wonder what you can possibly do for a world that is experiencing so many problems and challenges?  It feels overwhelming, doesn’t it?  But there is something you can do right where you are, especially as a parent, grandparent, or caregiver.  You are in a very important position to help change your family and the world.  There is hope for a better day.

Recent brain research has provided new insights into parenting, especially in the early years.  Based on these findings, we will discuss specific ways you can help move your child toward his or her potential, and create paths to becoming good citizens in our community. 

Join us as we explore these new discoveries and insights from science which will increase our understanding of the brain, and how they can influence our children’s development and all of our relationships with each other

Date:  The class includes two Thursdays, January 27 and February 3 in Louisville, CO or two Saturdays in Boulder, CO.  These dates have not been set yet.  Locations will be sent to you when you sign-up. 

Time:  7:00 PM to 9:00 PM

Fee for the two-class course:  $40.00

To Register:  Email with your name, phone number, email address and whether you are interested in attending the Boulder or Louisville sessions or call Connie Pearson at (408) 314-1039..

Facilitator:  Connie Pearson is a Licensed Marriage, Family Therapist, and a Registered Nurse who has been in practice for 25 years.  You may read more about her on her website at  She is also listed in the Rocky Mountain Brainspotting Institute and Somatic Experiencing Trauma Institute, both of which are located in Boulder, CO.